Saturday, 6 November 2010

The Arc of the Rainbow

Last night our group talked and meditated on the chakras and their importance in life. It was a lovely, intense and life-giving session.
The next day the skies were awash with rainbows, and my daughter and I marvelled at their beauty.
And then I wondered, could it be that in a strange otherworldly way 'Iris' - Goddess of the Rainbow and messenger of the Gods, was trying to send me a message? It struck me how the vivid colours of the rainbow match so remarkably well with the colours of the chakras, with the exact alignment of the 7 fundamental chakras along the spine.  Even the radiance in colour that we see in the rainbow, is exactly how, in the Upanishads, it is told that the  chakras glow with light and colour. Colour is sound that cannot be heard, extremely fine wavelengths. In mythology the rainbow is a bridge to the otherworld, to heaven. A link between this world and others. It is found in Greek mythology, and in Old Norse it is called Bifrost, a burning rainbow bridge between our world and that of the Gods. It also signifies our own raising of consciousness. The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, is the elixir of life, found here on earth, if we take the journey along the rainbow bridge. It is a strong reminder of the prophecy of the 'Warriors of the Rainbow', a native American story that many believe is about our time right now.
Of course, as often is the case with me, a song came to mind, and yes it speaks of the rainbow colours of ourselves, and how important it is to trust them, and to always be present in them no matter what life throws at you.....
True Colors 
Cyndi Lauper
"You with the sad eyes
Don't be discouraged
Oh I realise
It's hard to take courage
In a world full of people
You can lose sight of it all
And the darkness inside you
Can make u feel so small 
But I see your true colours
Shinin through
I see your true colours
And thats why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colours are beautiful
Like a rainbow.
Show me a smile then
Don't be unhappy, can't remember
when I last saw you laughing
If this world makes you crazy
and you've taken all you can bear
You can call me up
Because u know I'll be there."

Cyndi Lauper - True Colors 

A Rainbow Meditation by my friend Kelvin; 

Thursday, 4 November 2010

Sounds of the Chakras Meditation - Week 5

Chakras are energy centres in our body. They are wheel like in form and link the energy bodies to the physical body. There are 7 main chakras, and many minor chakras. They can turn in a clockwise, and sometimes anti clockwise direction. Unresolved emotions or negative thoughts will cause an imbalance in the chakras. This imbalance can lead to illness and prevent us from realising our dreams.
Each chakra is linked with a different gland and different organs in the body. Each chakra is associated with different issues we face on our journey through life. They control and energise the vital organs of the body and work like power stations to supply life energy to the whole body.
According to the Upanishad scriptures of ancient India everything in the uni - verse is made of sound. The ancient scriptures talk about each chakra having a 'bija mantra' or 'seed sound'. These sounds can be looked at as symbolic representations of the energy patterns of each chakra, and holds its essence.
As we see in 'The Law of Correspondence', the energy body and the visible physical body affect each other. By healing the energy body, the visible physical body gets healed in the process.
Try this as a cleanse for your chakras:

Sounds of the Chakras - Guided Meditation CD- Simon Heather

Try this online chakra test to see how your chakras are balanced. Lots of fun.

Friday, 22 October 2010

Healing Mantra - Shushmana Mantra

RA MA DA SA- Heal Yourself, your loved ones, the Earth.
“Sun-Moon-Earth-Infinity-Infinity-I Am Thou”
Ra - Sun Energy
Ma - Moon Energy
Da - Earth Energy
Sa - Infinity, universal energy
Sa - Repeat in second half of mantra
Say - The personal embodiment of Sa
So - The personal sense of merger with Sa
Hung - The Infinite, vibrating and real
I am Thou, the service of God is within me
This mantra transforms an imbalanced and unhealthy body into a harmonious, healthy one. It burns the seed of disease. It connects you with the pure healing energy of the Universe. It can generate beneficial energy in hospital rooms and places of recovery. Those who chant this mantra will age in grace.
“Divine Intelligence, purify my whole being so I May be a perfect channel for healing energy. So be it.” 

End: Inhale deeply, hold your breath and visualize the person you want to send healing to (it can be yourself). Make that image in your mind very clear and see a glowing green light around the person. Keeping that person in your mind, exhale. Inhale deeply, hold your breath and continue to send the person healing green light. Still keeping that vision in your mind, exhale. For the last time, inhale deeply, hold your breath and see the person very clearly, see the green healing light bathing the person, bathing every cell in the body. Exhale and relax.


3 minutes of meditation affects the electromagnetic field (aura) as well as the circulation and stability of blood.
11 minutes of meditation begins to change the nerves and the glandular system.
22 minutes of meditation balances the 3 minds - Positive, Negative and Neutral - and they begin to work together
31 minutes of meditation allows glands,breath and concentration to affect all cells and rhythms of the body. It lets the psyche of the meditation affect the 31 Gunas, all 31 tattvas and all layers of the mind's projections.
62 minutes of meditation changes grey matter in the brain. The subconscious "shadow mind" and the outer projection are integrated.
2 1/2 hours of meditation changes the psyche in its correlation with the surrounding magnetic field so that the subconscious mind is held firmly in the new pattern by the surrounding universal mind.

40 Days - It takes 40 days to change a habit. A 40 day meditation provokes the subconscious to let go of old habits of thought and emotion that hinder you.
90 Days - It takes 90 days to confirm the habit.
120 Days - In 120 days the new habit is who you are
1000 Days - In 1000 days you have mastered the new habit.
As taught by Yogi Bhajan.

"When a musical instrument is out of tune, it creates discord. Similarly when human beings are out of harmony with the divine order of things, we draw disharmony and disunity to us. Swimming against the tide, we exhaust ourselves but get nowhere. To keep yourself in tune and find your own note within the rhythm of life, you have to learn the art of vibrating the word. The more you vibrate the word, the more clearly you can reflect on the qualities of your soul. In turn, you will find that you are in harmony with yourself, and that internal harmony will be project into your life. Once you are in tune with life, life flows smoothly. You do everything at the right time and everything falls perfectly into place. All you have to do is vibrate the word so as to find your direct contact with the creator. Then keep sounding your particular note loud and clear and take your place within the vast orchestra of life. Miracle upon miracle will come about and this way of living will become normal because you are in tune with God through the power of the Word."
—Joseph Michael Levry, "The Code of the Masters"

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Week 2 and 3 - Sound Bath Meditations

The Science of Naad Yoga - The yoga of Sound

Naad is the essence of all sound. In Naad yoga, sound is used as a teacher. It is a "quantum" use of sound, because it manipulates the smallest particles of sound and energy, and focuses them to achieve the primary goals of yoga. Balance, energy, vitality and the transformation of energy into fine consciousness. We learn in Naad Yoga, that sound in itself is capable of awakening deep states of mystical consciousness that lead to healing and spiritual transformation. This works, miraculously with a gentle steady sound, not brash and loud.

How do we utilise sound for this purpose? A mantra is a sonic tool that we use for directing sound. We use mantras to work through and cut away at old patterns, like a sculptor chipping away at all that is extraneous in order to reveal the inner self, the true self. When we sing mantras, we use yoga of the tongue. There are 84 meridian points located on the roof of the mouth. The movement of the tongue, during mantras, stimulates these meridian points and therefore stimulates the secretion of neurotransmission fluids.

Repetition, pulse and timing is key to a successful mantra. It is a very good way of meditating, as any distractions of the mind are eroded by the continual sound.

Try a mantra next time you meditate.
Vedic chants - Morning
Tantric chants - Afternoon
Devotional Mantras - Evening - Like Om Namah Shivaya

Saturday, 2 October 2010

Sound Bath Meditations - Isbourne Holistic Centre

Grounding - Week 1

We start this 5 week meditation course with the theme of Grounding.

The practise of grounding yourself is an essential component to a healthy lifestyle. The process of grounding helps to connect your body's energy to the energy field of the earth. Our body has an electrical circuit running through it, which is directly linked to the earth and also to the sky. Feet are the negative pole of the body. When we are grounded energy flows through our body, into the earth and vital energy from the earth flows up into our body. Through meditation one can find a deep state of groundedness. Using the tree root meditation, helps bring your awareness into the now, not the past or future. It helps one to develop a strong sense of being.

When we are grounded and relaxed, we know what to do in each moment without needing to think about it.
Being Ungrounded
You may feel as if you are not your normal self. You may feel 'spaced out' or 'with the fairies'. You may also feel highly sensitive and moody, where problems in your life seem to build out of proportion. Thinking too much, where energy is rising to the head, is a very common occurrence in our society. We are constantly performing mental, intellectual activities in our jobs and professions, taking us away from that grounded, rooted feeling.
Most people have experienced some trauma in their life. This can cause 'soul loss', where part of our energy is no longer in our body but stuck in a past event that we haven't come to terms with. This will cause us to be ungrounded and not in present time.

Sound Bath Meditation
We will explore grounding through sound meditation. Using instruments, we will be guided into a place of rootedness, where, from the void, we ground our being.
When grounded, creative energy flows through our bodies, like electricity.

Other ways of Grounding....
Take off your shoes and walk on the Earth.
Eat lots of root vegetables, slowly.
Hold the crystal Obsidian or Smokey Quartz.
Walk in the woods, nature, and let the wind blow around you.
Stamp your feet, dance.
Sing a deep sound.

Sound Bath Meditation week 1
The Isbourne Holistic Centre
4 Wolseley Terrace, Cheltenham
Gloucestershire, GL50 1TH
Fri. 7.30 - 8.30, October 8th, 2010.

Saturday, 7 August 2010

Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky,

The flying cloud, the frosty light:
The year is dying in the night;
Ring out, wild bells, and let him die.

Ring out the old, ring in the new
Ring, happy bells, .....
The year is going, let him go;
Ring out the false, ring in the true.

Ring out the grief that saps the mind,
For those that here we see no more;
Ring out the feud of rich and poor,
Ring in redress to all mankind.

Bells accompany a person from the cradle to the grave. Their sound sings for joy when we are born and resounds gravely when we die. Bells are a transitional instrument. They remind us that we are going to move into a new state of mindfulness, a moment of transition from one dimension to the other.
We hear the bells in church ringing, cleansing the earth, the rivers, the trees and the air. Their silvery tones cleanse us. Preparing, purifying the moment. Helping a person to leave behind all that is not needed in the process of transition.
Bells announce the beginning and end of meditation. The commencement and fruition of worship.
This instrument has a significance in this transitional time, symbolised by the sacred geometric shape of Vesica Pisces. The movement of the ages from Pisces to Aquarius. Much change is happening in the stars and in our lives. Bells are a wonderful healing tool to cleanse and accompany that change!

Monday, 7 June 2010

In love with crystal ......

I think I am in love with my crystal bowls. Look how they glow in these pictures, they really have the most amazing presence about them.
We took these pictures in a beautiful bluebell wood, in Gloucestershire, where we hope to be soon doing an outside sound bath in a natural-formed rock amphitheatre - watch this space for dates.

Crystal bowls create a sine wave form of pure energy that travels through physical objects. The sound of a bowl can be carried up to a third of a mile away. The sound of these bowls in the woods was so powerful, there was a real cleansing feeling about it. It is thought that the quartz crystal of the bowl has an affinity with the crystalline structure of our bones - a calcium phosphate crystal called Apatite. The sine waves created vibrate the bodies cavities, which it is thought affects the crystalline structure of our bones, teeth, skull and much more. Through sympathetic vibration and entrainment, the sounds are retraining your system to vibrate to it's highest potential.

Monday, 24 May 2010

River Sounding

River Sounding - Bill Fontana 

I went to a wonderful exhibition this week in London called River Sounding. A sound installation that creates an acoustic journey through the hidden sound worlds of the River Thames.
The exhibition's creator, Bill Fontana is one of the world's leading sound artists. He installed the exhibition in the vaults of Somerset House, giving a very atmospheric appeal to the work. The Thames once flowed into Somerset House, which in itself is an architectural oasis in the heart of London, and well worth a visit.
I really recommend seeing this exhibition. It's unusual! I came away feeling how in an extremely visual society, we forget how much sound plays an important part in our everyday world. We are often taught that anything we can see and touch are the things that exists, that are true. This exhibition offers a conceptual alternative, reminiscent of Platonic philosophy, that anything the eye can see is a surface appearance, behind which is a complex matrix of substance and reality.
15th April - 31 May
Admission Free

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Choirs Heal

How to sing in a choir and have fun!!!

Choirs are back in fashion. Why? Because they bring people together, they are great for your health, and are fantastic places to socialise.
Thanks to Gareth Malone, from 'The Choir is Back' BBC, choirs are showing how music can hold a fractured community together, as well as sparking confidence and life into people of all ages.
What about your health?
New scientific studies, as well as practise based projects are showing that singing helps the body in all sorts of ways. Deep breathing and voice sounding builds muscles, pumps the blood more effectively through the body, lowers blood pressure and stimulates the production of beta endorphin, a natural painkiller. Learning new music works the brain like learning a new language. Singing keeps you young and happy.
... and what about socialising?
Well, I have made many great friends through choir and singing, not to mention the love of my life!! Who knows who you might meet in a choir.
The best bit of all, I think about being in a choir, is it is the only time you get the opportuinity to be completely bathed in gorgeous sound and harmony. It sends shivers down my spine when the choir hits a chord and holds it. To be immersed in harmony like that is great for your health and your soul. Believe me, it is a wonderful experience.
Follow the links for some interesting reading:
BBC Choirs
Health and Choirs
Best New Age Choir

Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Harmoniya in February 2010

Photo from Stroud News and Journal
We had a great day on February 14th for World Sound Healing Day. My lovely sound healer friend and I gave a sound bath and guided meditation at the Cotswold Health Clinic in Stroud, Gloucestershire. We used crystal bowls, harp, voice and singing bowls.
I hope to do more of them in the future. We raised money for the Wildlife Trust, and did lots of healing and sent lots of love out to Gaia.
World Sound Healing Day has now been recognised by the Global Conciousness Project.

Have a resounding February. Try your own at home mini Sound Bath.....

  • Lie in a comfortable place on your back with a throw over you, or in bed.
  • Place some cleansed crystals around your body, or hold a heart crystal in your hand.
  • Then calmly play an Om meditation CD, or powerful affirmation CD with chanting. (best results when using soundproof headphones)
  • Allow the music to wash over you, and relax.