Saturday, 28 May 2011

Hatha Yoga and Sound Healing Day Retreat

Moving into Stillness 
Yoga and Sound Meditation

The Day will comprise of 
Nourishing and Restorative Yoga Practice
Sound Bath Meditation
Kundalini Voice Meditation 
Pranayama Breath Exercises and Chanting
Rest and Relaxation 

With Kim Brockett Yoga B.W.Y. Teacher
Christina Ashby - Sound Healer MCoSH

Saturday 18th June, 10am - 3.30pm
Sheepscombe Village Hall, Nr Stroud

For details and to secure a place contact
07425 151 933


Friday, 27 May 2011

The Music of the Spheres

Thank you all for coming last night. I hope you enjoyed exploring the music of our cosmos!
As requested, I am posting the sounds of Saturn with the link if you want to explore more.

Hear the sounds of Saturn:

Read more about the process:

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Cosmic Harmony

Talk and Sound Bath

with Christina Ashby
Aquarius Severn Astrology Society
26th May 2011
8.00 - 10.00pm
Isbourne Holistic Centre

The Music of the Spheres    

Music uplifts, heals and connects us to the eternal. How? Like Nature, Music is made up of patterns which interconnect between themselves. It is these ordered harmonic patterns that hold the fabric of the universe together.           

We are all integrated musical beings co-existing in a musical cosmos. Join Christina Ashby to explore and experience cosmic music. Learn how sacred instruments and sacred harmonies touch upon our lives. See how sound is used to heal the body and re-energise and revitalise the mind and soul.

The evening will begin with a small presentation on the philosophy of sound healing, looking in depth at the affects of sound on nature, the sounds of the Earth’s mysterious audio-frequency music, and sound on the body. This will be followed by a ‘bija’ seed sound meditation and a sound bath. Bring a yoga mat and blanket for the sound bath if desired. 

Christina is a trained Sound Healer and musician. She studied at the College of Sound Healing with one of the world's leading Sound Healers and Shamanic teachers Simon Heather. She also trained as a classical singer, with performance work in England and Europe and also works for the Peace and Prosperity Trust, a charity using music as a healing art form for peace in the Middle East. Christina works with groups using music as a tool for meditation and is also collaborating with other artists to create healing art music on a performance level.

Harpists in Japan

The International Harp Therapy College is doing some much needed work in Japan after the terrible quakes. They are using harps in hospitals, and with children as a form of music therapy.

You can follow their blog about this work here

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

My Heart's in the Highlands

This is a wonderful piece by Arvo Part that I wanted to share. It is a wonderful example of a composer working with only a very few elements - one voice and one instrument. We use this concept a lot in Sound therapy where the repetition of one note allows the person to enter a meditative space very quickly. It also values that particular note, which somehow allows the person to feel an expansive feeling, which is inspirational, releasing and uplifting.

See how you feel as you listen to this piece. 

Arvo Part - My Heart's in the Highlands

My heart's in the Highlands, my heart is not here,
My heart's in the Highlands a-chasing the deer -
A-chasing the wild deer, and following the roe; (=ree)
My heart's in the Highlands, wherever I go. Farewell to the Highlands, farewell to the North
The birth place of Valour, the country of Worth;
Wherever I wander, wherever I rove,
The hills of the Highlands for ever I love.
Farewell to the mountains high cover'd with snow;
Farewell to the straths and green valleys below; (=breed dal)
Farewell to the forrests and wild-hanging woods;
Farwell to the torrents and loud-pouring floods.
My heart's in the Highlands, my heart is not here,
My heart's in the Highlands a-chasing the deer
Chasing the wild deer, and following the roe;
My heart's in the Highlands, whereever I go.

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Sound Bath Meditations - 4 Week Course Feb. 2011

For those who seek deep relaxation, meditation and rejuventation, experience our 60 min. sonic healing sessions. Using sacred instruments, your body will be bathed in exquisite sound, resulting in waves of peace, heightened awareness and relaxation of the mind, body and soul.

5th February - 26th February 2011
Sat. 10-11.00am
Quaker Meeting House
Painswick, Glouc.
Contact: 07871 402 785
£7.00 per session