Saturday 2 October 2010

Sound Bath Meditations - Isbourne Holistic Centre

Grounding - Week 1

We start this 5 week meditation course with the theme of Grounding.

The practise of grounding yourself is an essential component to a healthy lifestyle. The process of grounding helps to connect your body's energy to the energy field of the earth. Our body has an electrical circuit running through it, which is directly linked to the earth and also to the sky. Feet are the negative pole of the body. When we are grounded energy flows through our body, into the earth and vital energy from the earth flows up into our body. Through meditation one can find a deep state of groundedness. Using the tree root meditation, helps bring your awareness into the now, not the past or future. It helps one to develop a strong sense of being.

When we are grounded and relaxed, we know what to do in each moment without needing to think about it.
Being Ungrounded
You may feel as if you are not your normal self. You may feel 'spaced out' or 'with the fairies'. You may also feel highly sensitive and moody, where problems in your life seem to build out of proportion. Thinking too much, where energy is rising to the head, is a very common occurrence in our society. We are constantly performing mental, intellectual activities in our jobs and professions, taking us away from that grounded, rooted feeling.
Most people have experienced some trauma in their life. This can cause 'soul loss', where part of our energy is no longer in our body but stuck in a past event that we haven't come to terms with. This will cause us to be ungrounded and not in present time.

Sound Bath Meditation
We will explore grounding through sound meditation. Using instruments, we will be guided into a place of rootedness, where, from the void, we ground our being.
When grounded, creative energy flows through our bodies, like electricity.

Other ways of Grounding....
Take off your shoes and walk on the Earth.
Eat lots of root vegetables, slowly.
Hold the crystal Obsidian or Smokey Quartz.
Walk in the woods, nature, and let the wind blow around you.
Stamp your feet, dance.
Sing a deep sound.

Sound Bath Meditation week 1
The Isbourne Holistic Centre
4 Wolseley Terrace, Cheltenham
Gloucestershire, GL50 1TH
Fri. 7.30 - 8.30, October 8th, 2010.

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